
Have you recently moved to Berlin?
Do you feel out of your depth when it comes to dealing with unfamiliar German bureaucracy? As a freelancer, and accustomed to organising your life on your own terms, you might find it particularly frustrating trying to cope with the numerous, time-consuming and at times baffling administrative formalities here — not least if you are not confident about your German.

Having lived and worked abroad myself, I have experienced first-hand the need for reliable information, support and advice — and sometimes struggled to get it due to the language barrier and cultural confusion.

Your language emergency service in Berlin

I am therefore happy to provide the language service GermanHelp and offer you all the support that has proven to be the most relevant, in light of my own experiences of living abroad and of coaching newcomers to Berlin:

  • advice on practical matters involving communication in German;
  • individual language support if you need to fill out a form for an official institution (such as the Ausländerbehörde (Foreigners Registration Office), Finanzamt (Tax Office), schools or nurseries, Mietervereinigung (renters’ association) and are not sure how to do it;
  • support if you have received a letter in German (about your residence permit, health insurance or other insurance, your lease or mobile phone contract) and are not sure what to do next;

Briefing, assistance and coaching

  • assistance in preparing for a meeting with your German employer or client, or for a conversation with your landlord, neighbours, German partners or colleagues, telephone company etc;
  • briefing if you need to prepare for an interview or job application and want feedback;
  • assistance for freelancers in developing a strategy for the first steps of professional life in Germany;
  • coaching you in your on-going professional development;
  • pointing you in the direction of supporting organisations or networks here in Germany.

Please contact me, by phone or email, to arrange a meeting.
In cases of emergency this may be at short notice.
My standard rate is €50 per hour.

German Help Language Emergencies
Germen Help kurzfristige Sprachdienste