
If you have learned some German but are not yet fluent you might find your German knowledge and speaking ability stuck at an intermediate level: everybody keeps interacting with you in (sometimes bad) English and you get no chance to practise regularly and improve.

With the Language Support Service GermanHelp I offer individual (or small-group) language coaching tailored to your needs and aims, your specific interests.

Improving your language skills

  • If you already have a good grounding in German you might like to build on this with lessons focused on materials that will be useful for you in your work.
  • Or perhaps you are interested in improving your German by concentrating on specific subjects or practising particular interactions?
  • If you can get by speaking German in most everyday situations, there might still be particular grammar points that you have never truly grasped or mastered and this sometimes undermines your confidence.
  • Do you want to talk freely, at your own pace, about your day-to-day experiences in German and get feedback on your language skills?

Reflecting on language (use and cultural) differences

  • Do you need to get a better feel for language differences and codes so as to better understand your German partners/colleagues/neighbours?
  • Would you like to reflect on the appropriate language use for a particular context, i.e. know who would say what and in what way in a given situation?
  • Would you like to reflect on life in Berlin or Germany, situations and interactions that are particularly challenging or complex? Are things here different from what you had expected or are used to?
  • Or would you like to gain an insight into language differences so as to be better equipped to opt for the modes of expression that best fit your own position, generation, views and personal style?

Thanks to my linguistic training and extensive teaching experience, I am able to evaluate your language resources and understand your specific aims or problems.

A “language check-up”, i.e. an analysis of your level and a consultation about your aims and preferred teaching methods, will help us to develop together a personalised strategy and plan the next steps in your German learning. My professional coaching service can be a valuable support to you as you implement these steps.

Teaching times are flexible

Duration and frequency of classes are negotiable and can be tailored to your preferences and schedule.
Lessons usually take place at my home, in a relaxed atmosphere.
My usual rate is €50 per hour, but this can vary, depending on the level of intensiveness and duration of the course.

German Help Tutoring
Tutoring German Help